

since going to prague last easter i've been obsessed with eastern european architecture. this newest project i'm working on has given me the opportunity to design lots of lovely little houses inspired by that of the czech republic. mmmmm



this feels very un-me as i couldn't find my ruler and so my columns are WOBBLY which massively goes against my ocd of straight lines, however, i found a bargain of a book of photographs on the architecture of paris in tk maxx for a measely £2 down from 30(!) and i think it's going to be what i end up drawing every time i don't want to deal with working on all the projects i should be doing. also, semi-educational, so i don't feel guilty...




some drawings i did today on the theme of egyptians! a mummy for my mummy tomorrow. nice to get away from fmp for a bit

Graphic Design for Film & Television