
more sketchbook stuffs being done today. trying to make my character look thin & dying, but not old. argh.


Today, like most times when i'm fed up of the tutors giving me conflicting advice, i decided to draw something that was as far removed from what i was meant to be doing (fmp) as possible. So i decided to draw my cat, Henry. He was the best cat i've ever had (and ive had 9), and knew more secrets than anyone!


a while ago (before christmas) i posted some of the storyboards i had done for andy parker's film 'spirit of the forest', well, the film's up on his website now, so here are some shots next to my original drawings. go watch it (and his other stuff) - it's good! (even if the typography makes me cringe - he knows this). http://www.andy-parker.com


today i've been learning action scripting stuff in flash (and actually love it). maybe i'll be a web designer instead? anyway, so i've been doing some design stuff this evening whilst watching qi with a good cup of lemon tea. i need to find some place i can put the blog/contact/about links, or work them into my layout in general. it could be so beautiful & balanced if i could just put 'illustration & animation'......i guess people being able to contact me is a little important though. hmm. all i know is i want to use lilac&teal sort of like on my website atm. anywho, this is what it's looking like atm, and i'll have it produced & this version up and running, hopefully, when i finish second year (ahh!) at the beginning of june.



Today i have been mood boarding for my fmp of my second year. I'm going to animate a scene from the short story 'a diamond as big as the ritz' by f. scott fitzgerald. I want to do it in an abstract way using stop motion & hand drawn animation composited together in after effects. it's basically an excuse for me to bring together everything i'm interested in; the 20's, books, pop-ups, geometric shapes, stop motion, paper & colour. if you look though my inspiration blog, you can see all the sorts of things i look at, which generally all link to these themes.

if you want to know what anything is/who its by, just ask :):)

some faces i drew from observation in Prague

Another drawing done in Prague of the new town hall this time. as always, i am horrible at scanning/putting things together in photoshop. i wish i was dyslexic so the uni would give me a free a3 scanner.....

Czech me out

I am a jetsetter indeed. Here's a drawing i did in Prague, Czech Republic last week whilst sitting outside a cafe near the castle. I'm not really sure where it is as such, but the district is imaginatively called 'Prague 1'....

San Fran Sisqó Fisheye Photos

this is what second years do at kingston


another san francisco drawing. the view from my hotel room of the golden gate bridge and bay area :)

Graphic Design for Film & Television